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Online sport unleashes tens of millions of citizen scientists on microbiome learn

Online sport unleashes tens of millions of citizen scientists on microbiome learn

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Nature Biotechnology (2024)Cite this text


Borderlands Science is a casual mini-sport launched within a mass-market video sport that crowdsources the alignment of a million RNA sequences from the human microbiome. In 3 years, 4 million members generated over 135 million puzzle solutions that comprise been mature to construct a reference alignment and give a boost to microbial phylogeny.

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Fig. 1: Borderlands Science framework.


  1. Cooper, S. et al. Predicting protein constructions with a multiplayer online sport. Nature 466756760 (2010). This paper studies the first citizen science sport.

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  2. Szantner, A. Massively multiplayer online science. In Levelling Up: The Cultural Impact of Contemporary Videogames 103110 (2016). This book chapter studies the first description of the MMOS understanding.

  3. Kawrykov, A. et al. Phylo: a citizen science reach for bettering a couple of sequence alignment. PLoS One 7e31362 (2012). This paper describes the citizen science mini-sport that impressed Borderlands Science.

    Article Google Pupil

  4. Changeux, J.-P. et al. Conversations on Mind, Topic, and Arithmetic (Princeton Univ. Press, 1998). A book reporting a discussion between neurobiologist J.-P. Changeux and mathematician A. Connes on the relationship between human minds and the physical world.

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That is a summary of: Sarrazin-Gendron, R. et al. Enhancing microbial phylogeny with citizen science within a mass-market video sport. Nat. Biotechnol. (2024).

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Online sport unleashes tens of millions of citizen scientists on microbiome learn. Nat Biotechnol (2024).

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