Letters: SUN President playing dangerous politics in election campaign

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Politicking by the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses during the Saskatchewan election creates unnecessary fear among voters, writes Michael Lee.
Published Oct 11, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

During these uncertain times with an aging population and the many pandemic-traumatized, people want to feel safe and secure about food, shelter, personal safety and health care.
It is immoral and unethical to use health care as a political football and for Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) president Tracey Zambory to attempt to set panic into our lives. This is absolutely irresponsible.
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She invited Health Minister Everett Hindley to attend SUN’s event while he is residing and campaigning in Swift Current — a good three hours drive away. Obviously, she did not want him to attend.
The population needs to hear from leaders as to what they will accomplish over the next four years. Voters need to know this, without distraction. We need to know if NDP Leader Carla Beck’s proposal for a billion-dollar health package has sufficient, robust details.
Fear mongering does nothing. Raising anxiety levels is not good political strategy. Specifics have impact. Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe is announcing specifics such as the HPV testing and paying as much as $20,000 for fertility tests.
Saskatchewan has added 87 family doctors and 131 specialist physicians and has hired more than 1,400 recent nursing graduates and almost 400 internationally trained nurses since late 2022.
So over the last 24 months, under Hindley’s watch, an average of over nine specialists and family doctors were hired every consecutive week.
As well, an average of 58 nurse graduates from Saskatchewan and other provinces each week plus an average of 16.7 Internationally trained nurses were hired every week. There are only so many hours in a day and there seems to be something very dirty in the SUN president’s agenda.
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During such uncertain times, we need assurances and comfort, not more fear mongering. Why did she not bring all this up with the government when they could have addressed it all ?
Michael Lee, Regina
Radical special interests overtake parties
Have you noticed what has been happening to our country during the last 10 years in politics?
The power within our nation has swung from “the people” to radical political parties of every stripe. It is not the agenda of the people that they are pushing, but rather their own drummed-up radicalism, which ordinary Canadians cannot live with.
To all those political parties: You were elected to office to represent the people — all the people. By design or not, you have forgotten that the people are the taxpayers who pay your salaries and expenses.
The money you spend is not your money. It belongs to the people. Your responsibility is to make this a better country for all Canadians — not to pursue your own or political party agendas.
Peter Susa, Regina
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