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Op-Ed: When do politics ever have anything at all to do with the real world? Maybe never?

Politics tamfitronics

This photo courtesy of Intuitive Machine shows the first view of Earth taken during the IM-1 mission – Copyright AFP/File KARIM JAAFAR

Not in 2024, it seems. The world is in a self-inflicted cycle of doing nothing as it burns.

As the US gears up for what is now The Great Stable Felon Idiot vs Yet Another Democrat Fumble Marathonit’s a question that needs asking. That’s the sorry state to which the election has degenerated,

In Europe, the stunningly originally named Make Europe Great Again is now a thing, as French and Italian bandwagon-jumpers pile on. The UK now faces fixing the disaster caused by the Tories and the idiotic Brexit catastrophe.

All of these situations are purely political products. None of them have anything to do with anything practical. This is the payoff for decades of Western political blindness and ignorance.

The result so far according to headlines on any given day of the week:

America is now nearly a decade’s worth of a babbling hyper-polarized mess with no forward-looking strategies worthy of the name.

The UK is a true basket case by its own standards.

Europe is now threatening itself with reversing decades of progress and reverting to a ridiculous collection of bickering provinces due to MEGA.

The world’s economy is in tatters.

Refugees from countries which were allowed to fall to pieces are looking for somewhere to live. That’s tens or hundreds of millions of people according to whatever source condescends to quantify the situation

People are sick and getting sicker. That barely gets a mention politically.

Housing is a global political no-go zone for no reason at all.

The Sacred Finance Sector is literally taking food out of people’s mouths and the roofs away from over their heads 24/7/365.

5 billion people were severely affected by heatwaves in the start of the northern summer.

The Ukraine war grinds on hideously.

Gaza is the result of decades of failure to solve anything. All those deaths prove someone right about something, they say.

Russia is stagnant and according to some, failing.

China’s economy is a gigantic erratic mess.

Job losses are escalating and hitting high wage earners.

AI is about to make an absolute train wreck out of the jobs marketcareers, and everything else.

The Mills, Zoomers and Alphas won’t have any money anyway. They can’t support a super-inflationary economy, “growth” or anything else.

So – Is everybody happy? Got a few grudging cringing insecure bucks out of it? Looking forward to more major disasters and a hail of bullets at your bottom line? Are everyone’s little ideals festering merrily among the ruins?

Isn’t that nice?

There’s a point or so to this recital of the obvious:

There is no substance of any kind in these politics related to real-world issues.

How many self-righteous morons does it take to change a light bulb? We’ll never know. At this rate, we may well prefer not to know.

If you think the current situation could be improved, just wait until hyperinflation kicks in. That’s when it costs millions of dollars to buy a spud. It has happened before, many times. Money effectively becomes worthless.

Politics has now turned into a pretty lousy sitcom.

“Honey, someone said I’m theoretically plausible.”

“that’s nice, dear.”

“Where are the kids?”


If politics is the answer to anything, the question was never asked.


The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.


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