North Beach Games Opens Studio in Prague, Stranded Deep 2 Announced

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by William D’Angelo posted 1 day ago / 891 Views
North Beach Games announced it has opened up a new studio based in Prague, Czech Republic called North Beach Games Prague.
The new studio is led by Chief Technology Officer Sam Edwards and General Manager Tomáš Pšenika, and will be developing the survival crafting game sequelStranded Deep 2.
“We’re super excited to be kicking off the development ofStranded Deep 2with our new development team, North Beach Games Prague,” said North Beach Games creative director and chief technology officer Sam Edwards. “Tomas and his talented team will be a great partner to build out the studio as we look to the future of the franchise and explore new horizons.”
North Beach Games CEO John Miller added, “We couldn’t be more excited to bring Sam and Tomas into the North Beach Games fold, heading up our new Prague development studio. We’ve worked with both of them for years as partners, so to all be on the same team is a great feeling and will allow us to do even more exciting work together in the survival crafting space.
“After all of the volatility in the market and industry for the past year, the time feels right to start this next chapter of our business, carving our own path towards a positive future for our company.”
A life-long and avid gamer,William D’Angelowas first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his ownYouTube channelandTwitch channel. You can contact the authoron Twitter@TrunksWD.
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