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News24 | Trump says he had ‘very good call’ with Zelensky, pledges to end Russia-Ukraine war

Top Stories Tamfitronics

Top Stories Tamfitronics US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks to the press at Manhattan Criminal Court after a hearing in his case. (Angela Weiss/AFP)

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks to the press at Manhattan Criminal Court after a hearing in his case. (Angela Weiss/AFP)

  • DonaldTrump and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky spoke telephonically, the US Republicannominee said on social media.
  • Trump,referencing the call, claimed he would bring peace to the world and end theRussia-Ukraine war.
  • Zelenskyconfirmed his call with Trump and expressed thanks to the US for all their militaryassistance.

WASHINGTON– US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said in a post on TruthSocial that he had a “very good call” on Friday with UkrainianPresident Volodymyr Zelensky and pledged to end the war pitting Kyiv againstMoscow through negotiations.

Zelenskyalso reported his conversation with Trump and expressed thanks for US militaryassistance. But he made no reference in a post on social media platform X onefforts to end the 28-month-old conflict.

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Trumphas said he will end the war in Ukraine before he even takes office in January,should he win the 5 November election. He has also said that had he been inoffice when the Kremlin sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022, the warwould not have taken place.

Inhis Truth Social post, Trump said that as president he “will bring peaceto the world and end the war that has cost so many lives”.

“Bothsides will be able to come together and negotiate a deal that ends the violenceand paves a path forward to prosperity,” Trump said.

ThoughTrump has put forward few tangible policy proposals, he told Reuters in aninterview last year that Ukraine might have to cede some territory to reach apeace agreement.

Inhis post, Zelensky said he congratulated Trump on becoming the Republicannominee and condemned the assassination attempt on him last week.

‘Resist Russian terror’

“Iwished him strength and absolute safety in the future,” Zelensky said.

“Inoted the vital bipartisan and bicameral American support for protecting ournation’s freedom and independence.”

Ukraine,he said, “will always be grateful to the United States for its help instrengthening our ability to resist Russian terror. Russian attacks on ourcities and villages continue every day.”

Donald Trump started his RNC speech with a conciliatory tone as he accepted the Republican presidential nomination. However, he quickly shifted to familiar attacks and abandoned the message of unity that he had promised to embrace https://t.co/f658UW3kIx pic.twitter.com/6W0jiZnS9F

— Reuters (@Reuters) July 20, 2024

Zelenskyrejects any negotiations with Russia on ending the conflict, as long as Russiantroops remain in Ukraine.

TheUkrainian president has proposed a peace plan, showcased again at a “worldsummit” last month to which Russia was not invited, that calls for thewithdrawal of Russian troops and the restoration of Ukraine’s 1991 post-Sovietborders.

Russiantroops occupy about 20% of Ukrainian territory. Moscow’s forces have madeincremental gains in the east of the country along the 1 000km front sincecapturing the key city of Avdiivka in February.


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