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Reconstruction resumes on Hungary’s stunning castle: a landmark revival

Top Stories Tamfitronics

The reconstruction of one of Hungary’s oldest stone castles has been going on for more than a decade. According to the Magyar Építók news page, the contractor for the third phase of the reconstruction of the Füzér Castle has been selected.

Top Stories Tamfitronics About Füzér castle

As a medieval fortress, Füzér Castle rises near Füzér settlement, on top of a mountain of volcanic origin. Its first written mention dates from 1264, but it probably already existed before the Tatar invasion. According to assumptions, it was built by the Aba family during the Árpád era.

In the 13th century II. King András bought the castle, which was part of the royal estates until the Tatar period.

It was later returned to the Aba family through donation. After the battle of Rozgony, King Róbert Károly confiscated the castle, and it first became the property of the Drugeth and then the Perényi family.

After Gábor Perényi’s death in 1567 without a son, the castle first passed to the Báthorias and then to the Nádasdyaks. After the Wesselényi conspiracy, the imperial military confiscated, burned, and abandoned it.

Nowadays, the castle is a popular excursion destination due to its historical monuments and natural beauty. The route of the National Blue Tour (Országos Kéktúra) passes through it.

Top Stories Tamfitronics A new phase of the renovation opens

The EU public procurement notice states that the reconstruction works of Füzér Castle will continue, says Hungarian Builders. Project III. as before, LAKI Épületszobrász Zrt. won the order for HUF 3.98 billion to execute the project.

In this phase of the renovation, the affected area is nearly 650 square meters, the reconstruction of the four levels of the Gate Tower, the Steward’s House, will take place, but now the reconstruction of the Gate Tower, the Toilet, and the Clock Tower will also be carried out. In addition, the castle walls will be statically strengthened in the designated section, the Castle Yard will be covered over nearly 400 square meters, and the electrical network and fire alarm systems will also be created for the buildings.

As the first phase of the investment, the Lower Castle in Füzér in Borsod County was rebuilt between 2012 and 15. Next to the rampart, the Sziklagyep visitor path, the road leading to the castle, the parking lot, and the promenade were created. The Castle Chapel, the Palace Wing, the Basement, the Attic, and the Lower Bastion of the Upper Castle, serving as a gothic ecumenical place of worship, were completed.

The work on the second phase began in 2019, during which the Kitchen and the Sütőház were reborn.

read also:

  • European Royal Residences: Buda Castle District gains prestigious international membership! – details, PHOTOS
  • Fancy buying a castle in Hungary on a budget? Here’s your opportunity – PHOTOS

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