
Uber Wants Less Cars On The Road: Will Pay $1000 To 175 People To Give Their Car Up For 5 Weeks

Uber Wants Less Cars On The Road: Will Pay $1000 To 175 People To Give Their Car Up For 5 Weeks


Tired of forking out for petrol and car maintenance of your car? Well Uber has a tempting offer for you: They will pay you $1,000 to ditch your car for five weeks.

This is because Uber unveiled a new trial called “One Less Car” on June 27. They’re looking for 175 participants across the US and Canada to give up their cars for five weeks. In return, you’ll get a cash reward and credits to use on alternative ways of getting around.

Some critics might call it a publicity stunt, but Uber insists their “One Less Car” trial is all about showing us the true cost of owning a car. The company wants to show people just how owning an expensive vehicle impacts not just wallets but also health and the environment in cities.